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Janeese Lewis George

Janeese Lewis George is honored to serve as the DC Councilmember for Ward 4. Janeese is a third generation Washingtonian, a Ward 4 native, and a proud DC Public Schools alum. Growing up in a working-class family Janeese learned early on the importance of family, hard work, education, and public service.

Janeese is an experienced attorney, civil servant, community activist, and a passionate leader who is focused on our community’s future. Janeese and her husband Kyle reside in the Manor Park neighborhood of Ward 4 with their puppy Sully.

About Ward 4

Ward 4 is made up by more than 87,000 residents in 20 neighborhoods working together to create caring, vibrant communities.

Our ward rests at the top of the DC diamond and encompasses neighborhoods like Shepherd Park, Colonial Village, North Portal Estates, Takoma, Brightwood, Brightwood Park, Manor Park, Kennedy Street, South Manor Park, Fort Totten, Lamond, Lamond Riggs, Riggs Park, Queens Chapel, Petworth, Sixteenth Street Heights, Crestwood, Hawthorne, Barnaby Woods, and part of Chevy Chase. We are blessed with plentiful green space and parks, including more of Rock Creek Park than any other ward.